Digital literacy is about using and understanding information across various formats. Media literacy is critically analyzing all types of media that we are exposed to and information literacy is recognizing how to effectively use information. All three of these literacies cannot effectively actualize without the fours C's, which include critical thinking, creative thinking, communication, and collaboration. More specifically, digital literacy needs creative thinking use and create information in new formats. Media literacy requires critical thinking to evaluate all forms of media and empowers people to engage influencing our culture and society through media. Because information literacy is more about the individual, communication is important to decipher and investigate.
In some form, I already practice all of these literacies in my own work and with my children. Now that I better understand these literacies, it will be easier for me to help my children through their process of critical reflection when we talk about the various types of technological devices and software they use at home and at school. I recently had a conversation with my eight year old daughter about the impact of her own social media account. It was difficult for me to explain the social consequences to her without getting her worried and afraid of using social media in the future. I could have employed media literacy tools to help her critically think about how her social media account could impact her life. With media literacy education, I could teach her the tools she needs to create her own messages.
I believe the use of technology in education is imperative. Young students should be digital, media, and information literate while simultaneaously learning about all of their other subjects too. I do think that some schools have already incorporated this. For example, my third grade daughter uses an iPad in her class. The school provides and iPad for every student. She recently did a penguin report on the presentation app using google drive. She explained to me that they complete their schoolwork on google drive and then send it to their teacher.
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